Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mexico City Here We Come!

Sorry I haven’t updated my blog in a while but since I am leaving for Mexico City in about an hour I thought I’d do my best to give an update and let everyone know what were going to be doing there.
We finished up lectures about a week ago and spent this week relaxing, packing, cleaning, and celebrating Christmas. Tonight half of us leave for Mexico City, the other half leave for South Africa. As stated previously I am going to Mexico City until the last weekend in January.
In Mexico City we will be working with MegaCities ( We have a few churches we will be working with through them. Our goal is to help the youth and encourage them in their love for God, to develop in them a heart for their own city and to help them step out in boldness in Mexico City. We plan to do this through many ways including worship, testimonies dramas and whatever else God calls us to do. We also plan to bring awareness to Human Trafficking. I made a video which I hope to get on the web soon but haven’t yet. 27 million people are currently enslaved in human trafficking. It is happening everywhere and its happening in Mexico City. We hope to bring awareness to the church about this and help them find ways to fight against it.
Other than this we plan to listen to God and do what He says. We actually don’t have a lot planned and we just found out the churches were working with a couple days ago. We plan to be led by the Holy Spirit and by the voice of God.
There are a few main things we can use prayer for. Pray that God would speak and that we would hear Him clearly and have the courage and boldness to do whatever He says even if it seems strange or its something we don’t feel like doing. Pray that God would open up the hearts of the people we talk to whether they are in or outside of the church. We are actually going to be the first MegaCities team (everyone else starts coming in March) so pray that we can lay a good foundation for MegaCities 2010 and move things in the spiritual realm so when other teams start coming the ball is already rolling. Pray for unity in our team that we might have God command his blessing upon us (Psalm 133).

We will be in Mexico City until the last weekend of January.  We will then return to Mazatlan to help with a Surf Comp put on by the church I go to here, Centro De Vida.  We will then be helping out at Carnaval, Homes of Hope and in Colonia Sinaloa all here in Mazatlan.
Thank you everyone for your support and your prayers I would love to say more to share stories but I just don’t have time right now. Hopefully I’ll get to write once on outreach but we will see as it depends on the availability of computers and internet and time. I love you all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! God bless!
Brother Chris