Saturday, November 13, 2010

Heaven’s Surgery

Hey guys so I got a cool testimony to share with you guys.  This actually happened back in August before I came to RIT and I’ve told a lot of you it in person but its really great and I never put it on here so here it goes.
Back in August I was out with my friends David, one of his friends, and Karl G. serving the homeless in Minneapolis (like we do on Wednesdays when we’re around).   We were talking to this one artist who was signing and trying to sell a piece.  We fed him and talked to him and as we were finishing up talking to him I saw this guy with a cane and a knee brace walking across the street.  So I walked over to him and asked if we could pray for him.  He said no and that he’d been prayed for several times before.  He went on to describe that he was living in a veteran’s home and that there was a pastor there that he was friends with that has prayed for him several times.  Since he didn’t want prayer, we asked Dave (the homeless guy) if he wanted anything to eat.  He said yes so David’s friend (can’t remember his name…) went back to the van to get him a hot dog.  As he was getting food Dave suddenly started yelling out in pain and grabbing his knee.  We asked if we could pray for him now and he immediately said yes.  So we started praying commanding the pain to go in Jesus name and asking God for a new knee from heaven to be given to Dave.  After about 30 seconds we asked him how he felt.  He’s got this kinda stunned look on his face and he starts saying the word, “Wow….Wow…”  He starts walking around a little bit commenting on that it felt way better. 
After a couple minutes we convince him to take the knee brace off and to try it out.  He does and he then proceeds to get on the phone leaving a message for the pastor that he had told us about earlier telling him that his knee was better.  After leaving the message he is running and jumping around testing out his knee, which no longer hurts and works perfectly.  He explains to us that he had needed surgery next week for a new knee.  Instead God gave him one for free from heaven!!!!  PRAISE JESUS!!!  This man walked past us limping using a cane and wearing a huge knee brace and afterwards he went away walking without a limp and carrying the cane and the brace saying that there worth money so he wanted to keep them and sell them.
God is soooo good!  It’s so amazing what God can do when we take steps of faith and obedience.  God is moving guys be encouraged!  Glory, power, and glory belong to Him who is worthy of all our praise!

Brother Chris

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