Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Moral Revolution

Here are some more quotes from Kris Vallotton's book Moral Revolution:

"Virtues help us to live from the inside out instead of from the outside in.  No longer do I live by other people's rules.  Instead, I live by values that guide my attitudes, which, in turn, determine my choices.  Choices dictate my behavior.  My behaviors become manifestations of my personhood, and my personhood leads me into my destiny."

"Hiding your flaws only allows your dysfunctional cycle to continue.  It is only when you are real with God, with yourself, and with others that you begin to become healthy and find freedom and wholeness in your life."

"When we have a vision for our lives, we restrain our options to capture the vision.  But if we have no vision, we perish or stumble because we end up spending all of our energy either trying to find pleasure or working to stay out of pain."

"I don't mean that other people can't encourage us, but if we live to fulfill someone else's vision for our lives, we transfer the responsibility for our personal choices to someone else.  This begins the unhealthy pattern of behaving to please people instead of living out of the virtues that are rooted in our personal vision."


I did want to reflect a little bit on a the last quote.  One thing I've noticed been noticing lately about myself is that I really like to please people.  I'm just not very good at saying no to people.  Now all in all this isn't bad and it actually stems from the compassion and love I have for others as well as the fact that I want them to be happy.  However I've noticed lately that I really hate conflict and I will do a lot to avoid it even it if means overextending myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  It also means that I will lie and/or keep my real emotions and feelings covered up in a situation in order to keep peace.  This is usually not good.  Jesus called us to be peace makers not peace keepers (Matthew 5:9).  Why am I sharing this?  Not sure I guess.  I guess I just want to encourage you as I encourage myself to please God and do his will for your life rather than trying to do what everyone else has planned for you.  Have vision for your life and restrain yourself from certain things so that you can reach that goal.  You can't do everything.  So find your role in the Kingdom, find your assignment, and do that.  Just make sure you are doing it out of intimacy and love and that you are a lover before you are a worker.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:28-30

1 comment:

  1. The Holy Spirit once put it to me like this: "Sometimes you need to sacrifice something good for the sake of something better." I am afraid that desire to avoid conflict comes from me--in a conflict resolution class dad & I took, I recognized myself as a turtle--pull in my head and hide! Just keep my emotions to myself! I am sorry if I passed that on to you. I am glad you are pressing in--Jesus brings complete freedom!
