Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Holy Affection

"As perversion grows in a society, people begin to withhold their affection so that they won't be perceived as sexual predators. As people withhold their affection, a famine of love begins to grow in the land. In a society starving for affection, love-deprived folks begin to lower their sexual standards to obtain some affection. As they break their moral barriers to do this, perversion increases. This, of course, causes even more people to withhold their love, and the beat goes on and on. Thousands of years ago, the wisest king ever born, King Solomon, wrote, " a famished man any bitter thing is sweet" (Prov. 27:7). To love-famished people, even perverted affection is better than no love at all."

"People are starving for true love that is manifested through an embrace, a holy kiss, or reassuring compliments. But for this culture to be restored...we have to have pure hearts, clean motives, and healthy minds before we restore holy affection."

"I want to emphasize that you can and should have healthy, nonsexual soul ties with people, whether you are married or not. It is normal to have loving, affectionate friendships with people of the same heart."

Kris Vallotton in "Moral Revolution"

1 comment:

  1. This was so good that I went and got the book and just started it today.
