Thursday, September 24, 2009

Footsteps of Fire

And so it begins...ha okay I am writing a blog obviously, however this is very wierd for me.  I barely keep a journal and well exposing my thoughts to the world via this thing called internet is strange for me but here it goes.  I am starting this blog mainly so people can keep up with what I'm doing and where I am.  The reason for the title of the blog, Footsteps of Fire is actually from a vision someone had for a friend of mine.  He saw my friend walking and where he walked were footsteps of fire kinda like on the sand but it was just everywhere.  The fire was of course the fire of God and the fire of God is of course His Holy Spirit and His love.  I decided to steal this idea as it is my mission and my desire that I would spread the fire and the love of God wherever I go kinda like leaving footsteps of fire.  Anyway on Saturday I leave for Mazatlan, Mexico to do my YWAM DTS there.  I am quite excited and the only reason I am not giddy is beacuse the buildup to me leaving has been incredible long.  Most of my friends have already started the next season in their lives, whether that be college or YWAM or high school everyone has kinda started up.  Even at North Heights it is kind of like a new season is starting for everyone everywhere, and then there is me.  It feels like I have been saying I am moving on to the next season for forever and yet it hasn't happened yet.  I have been saying goodbye to people for over a month now and to be honest I am sick of it I just want to get there and start.  At the same time, God has really showed me that there is a purpose in everything.  For one I know that if I had left a couple weeks ago I probably would not have been ready as I have had more to do than I initially thought to get ready.  Secondly I have been able to kinda help people adjust into their new season before I begin mine.  I have been able to support North Heights as it begins its new season as well as my friends as they begin college and well I can't really see how God has used me I know that in staying behind He used me even if I can't see it.  Anyway pretty much what I am saying is being here has been great but I AM READY!  I will miss everyone a ton and will be praying for you all and thinking about you but my time has come and I can't wait.

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