Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mission Adventures - Panama

Wow!  What an amazing couple weeks!  Panama was glorious!  The LORD did so many awesome things.  We saw people healed, saved, and delivered.  We also saw a group of high schoolers discover God in a new way in a new culture and they got to see the Kingdom manifest through them.  I’m going to try to keep this short but I’ll do a quick recap of the trip.

We first went to YWAM Minneapolis (which is actually in Rockford, MN).  We had a couple days training there learning dramas and such.  We got to have a lot of time as a time to talk and to worship which was great to get us all on the same page with the same vision.

In Panama, our first couple full days there we did ministry of various sorts.  We did a lot on the streets, dramas followed by preaching (really short) and then we prayed for people.  During this time we got to see a couple salvations and multiple people healed of various pains and sickness including sore knees, elbows, hands, and more.  A couple times people would get healed and then they were bringing us to their friends to pray for them it was very cool.  We also did Vacation Bible School.  It was great to be with kids and to do crafts with them, perform dramas and make balloons.

Probably the coolest things for me that happened was one night we did a treasure hunt.  This is where you spend a couple minutes asking God to give you “clues” about people He wants you to talk to.  So like “red hat” or “blue shirt” or “back pain” would be some examples of clues.  Then you go find the people and tell them they are God’s treasure and you pray for them and talk to them.  So this night me along with one of the girl students (Grace) both had received “silver watch.”  So we walked into a jewelry store along with Gina and Crystal (our translator) and I started talking to the guy in the store explaining what we were doing.  I noticed he had a “silver watch” on his wrist and so we asked if we could pray for him.  He brought us over to his wife who also was wearing a “silver watch” (hence us both getting it) and she explains to us that that morning she had told God that He had forgotten about her, her family, and her business.  We were able to tell her (as she was crying) that God loved her and hadn’t forgotten about her or her family or her business.  We were able to encourage the couple in their “marriage” which was another clue that I had.  We also were able to pray for the wife for healing in her legs as well as pray for God’s favor and blessing on their business.  It was really quite amazing.  The only reason we did a treasure hunt that night was because it was raining so we couldn’t be outside (we were at this mall) and she said that if it hadn’t been raining she would have left work early.  Truly a divine encounter!

The next couple days in Panama were spent traveling to and staying in an indigenous village about a 2-hour canoe ride from the city.  This was very cool, we did a kids program as well as a more regular service for the adults.  We got to stay in huts of families there and swim in the river.

The last day was spent visiting and seeing the city ending with a time of discussion about the trip as well as prayer and worship.  I think it was definitely one of the most amazing short-term missions trips I’ve ever been on.  It’s truly amazing what God can do in a week when you set your heart fully on Him and allow Him to use you however He wants setting your own agenda aside.

That’s all I got about Panama.  Thanks everyone for your prayers and support!  You can all be confident that your prayers were answered and that you played a role in everything God did even though you were physically far away.

Ephesians 3: 20-21 -- Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

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