Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wonders of Old

Not sure why but I’ve felt like writing a lot lately.  I’ve found I really enjoy writing when its something that interests me.  For example the last blog post I wrote was really easy and really fun for me to write.  I think one of the reasons I’ve had an urge to write this week is that I’ve wanted an outlet for my thoughts and many times writing is the easiest and best place to go.  I’ve also been finding that to be honest, things at RIT are slow.  Not in a sense that I’m not doing anything, because I’m busy all the time.  What I mean to say is that I feel like a lot of the time I’m not doing anything.  I have found myself missing the missionary lifestyle I had last year where we were constantly learning, evangelizing, worshiping, praying etc…Tonight for example, I was interviewed by a friend for a paper.  She asked me various questions about my trip to Mexico last year.  I found an hour go by as fast as it ever has as I related stories, experiences and convictions that I had.  It was probably one of the best parts of my week.  Not only that, but it is the second time this week I’ve gotten to share stories from my past.  The past is any interesting thing.  In many ways the past hinders us as we have trouble forgiving God, others, and ourselves for things that have happened.  Many times we focus on our mistakes and past failures instead of what is happening and what we can do now.  Other times we glorify the past, just as we glorify the future, which always steals from the current glory of the present.  However, I have found that remembering the past, mainly remembering the things that God has done in our past, is a vital and important part of being able to walk the Christian lifestyle with endurance.  It is so good to have a history with God and to be able to remember when he provided this way, healed that way, spoke this, and revealed that.  I guess what I want to say is that when we remember what God has done in the past in inspires us to not give up now.  God was faithful before, He’ll be faithful again.  Revelation says we overcome by the power of the blood and the word of our testimony.  (Revelation 12:11)  It is so important to share our testimonies with others.  It is so important to ask other people to share their testimonies with us.  It brings about faith, it brings about hope, and most of all it exalts God.

Anyway the point of this was to be more of a life update.  Life is good.  God has been good and blessed me with so many things.  The first two weeks back from break have gone quick and have brought a wide range of emotions and challenges.  I’ve started doing some things with some friends.  We get together Tuesday nights to focus on intercession and Friday nights we worship.  A friend and I have also been meeting with the healing and deliverance team from my church getting advice on various things.  I’ve been going to Dmitri House about every other Thursday night.  Dmitri House is a small homeless shelter and I organize two people from RIT to go every Thursday night and hang out with the 7 guys that stay there, spend the night, and wake up at 6 to cook them breakfast.  Other than that my week is packed with things such as Physics, video editing and learning how color is displayed and perceived.  I would appreciate prayer for a few things.  One is direction with my major and with class registration.  The other is housing for next year as I need to make decisions on that in a few weeks.  Pray that God would show me who to move in with and where and that He would open doors for it to happen.  Lastly, I would like some prayer for my spring break trip.  I am planning to go to Redding, CA to visit some friends as well as Bethel Church and I am planning to go to Mazatlan to help out with YWAM Mazatlan’s Carnival outreach. I need a small amount of funds for this still, so pray for that as well as for safety, that I’d be able to receive from the LORD at Bethel, and that I can then pour out at Carnival. 

Psalm 77:11-12: 
“I will remember the works of the LORD;
Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.

I will also meditate on all Your work,
And talk of Your deeds.”

Revelation 12:11: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”

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