Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spring Break!

Hey Everyone who reads this!

So Winter Quarter is finally over.  It was definitely a hard one, a busy one, but one where I learned A LOT in school as well as spiritually.  Over my spring break I will be going to Bethel Church in Redding, CA and will be helping with YWAM Mazatlan’s Carnival Outreach in Mazatlan, Mexico.  Please pray for me if you remember, especially for our outreach in Carnival that we would be able to reach the lost and see God move in powerful ways.  I have a lot I’d like to say but don’t have time now so I’ll probably do like a summery blog about winter quarter when I get back from my trip.  Also my final film for the quarter is up on Vimeo (I've embedded it below).  I will probably also blog about this when I get back but enjoy it for now let me know what you think.  Love you all!  God bless!

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