Monday, March 14, 2011

Just Normal Life

So it’s been about a week since I got back from my spring break trip to California and Mexico.  I have to admit that it was probably the best spring break I have ever had.  Not only did I get to see many friends, but I got to encounter Jesus and in just amazing unbelievable ways.  Over the next few days I’m going to be posting stories, videos and typed up journal entries from my trip.  I do this not to glorify how awesome my life is (even though its pretty awesome), but to give testimony to the powerful name of Jesus.  I would hope that these testimonies more than anything encourage you to see that the impossible is possible anywhere and everywhere and that God wants to do the impossible through you.  Anything I or the other people in these stories have done you can do because the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of you just as He lives inside of me (Romans 8:11).

Ok so for this entry I want to describe a little bit about my time at Bethel Church.  My first stop over spring break was to a small city (more like town) in northern California called Redding.  In this town there is this church called Bethel (  I’m sure most of you have heard of it and if you haven’t its time you have (If you haven't heard of Bethel maybe you've heard of Jesus Culture or Bill Johnson both from there).  For about a year and a half I have been reading, hearing, and watching stories that are coming out of this church.  Stories of miracles, of the blind seeing and the deaf hearing, the lame walking, stories of generosity and miraculous provision.  Getting to go and visit Bethel was something that I’ve wanted to do for a while now and it was definitely an honor. 

At Bethel Church they have a ministry school called the School of Supernatural Ministry.  I currently know 6 people who are doing this school.  Therefore my trip had a two-fold purpose, visit my friends and see the church.  Neither disappointed.  While I was there, there was a conference going on where I got to hear the likes of Bob Jones and Graham Cooke speak.  I got to worship while Kim Walker-Smith was leading.  I also got to attend the healing rooms on Saturday morning where I stood in line for 2 hours just to get into the room because there were so many people waiting in line in order to receive healing.  It didn’t bother me though as people were getting healed in line as well.  I was able to strike up conversation with two other ladies and we prayed and prophesied over each other.  When I finally did get to the front of the line I got to experience so much joy.  I got to see a leg grow out, people walking without their previous needed canes, and many, many people laughing from the joy of the LORD.  On Sunday I got to attend a regular church service and hear Bill Johnson speak.  On Sunday night I went to the Twin View Campus where they have a worship service every week and my friend Hunter who is a second year student was leading worship.  It was incredible; I got a lot of breakthrough that night.

Despite all the cool things I experienced and saw I think the thing I got out of the most from being at Bethel was how normal everything was.  I was seeing and experiencing abnormal supernatural stuff but it was so normal.  Like this is what the regular Christian life should look like and this is a place where it does.  These people weren’t any different than you and I, the church wasn’t even very big (much smaller than I expected), they were just people living in the reality of a Heavenly Kingdom that is not only amazing, but it is available now.  Another thing I loved about Bethel was the way they honor other people.  They know how to honor the Spirit of the LORD upon other people and to receive from each other and to respect each other.  They also are the only place I’ve been to that has the structure of the church (outlined by Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:28 and Ephesians 4:11) figured out.  They have men and woman operating in all 5 of the fivefold positions and all know and do their role wonderfully resulting in the Kingdom being brought to earth. 

To wrap up my time in Redding, it was really a great time of refreshing after a very tiring and exhausting Winter Quarter in college.  I got to go snowboarding and to watch Megamind and go on Adventure Time with Jake Oie.  It was great.

1 comment:

  1. That's incredible dude! Can't wait to hear about more of your trip! :D God Bless!
