Saturday, March 19, 2011

Carnaval Stories 2011 (part 2)

This is my last post about my spring break trip!  It's longer but its got some awesome testimonies of the power of God so make it to the end!  I wrote this in my journal on Monday March 7, 2011 from the airplane when going from Phoenix to LA.


Haha ok wow.  There is Internet on my flight and I’m getting distracted but Heavs yea!! Last 2 nights were SICK!!!! I’ll start with Saturday night.  Crazy busy.  Greg said he hadn’t seen it that busy in several years.  I went into Carnival with Greg, Harmony and a few others.  We totally got wrecked by the Holy Spirit and His joy on the way over to Looney Bean (a coffee shop located inside the gates of Carnival, YWAM Mazatlan is friends with the owners).  It was great.  Then we worshipped at Looney Bean.  Outside the fireworks went off, they completely destroyed me (in a good way).  At one point Josh (a DTS student), Harmony and I got on our knees in the middle of the huge crowd and just cried out repentance on behalf of the bloodshed.  Also Dan (another DTS student), Josh and I went through the crowd praying for people as we passed them.  It was really loud so we could be loud which was great.  We were constantly just praising God or lifting up His name.  It was a lot of fun.  Near the end of the night we were exiting Carnival and Josh had to go back to Looney Bean to get something we had left behind.  So the rest of us as we waited ended up seeing 3 salvations.  One guy was working the gate and the Holy Spirit gave me a word of knowledge about his back hurting.  I told our group I wanted to pray for him and David (DTS student) said he had felt the same so we went over to talk to him.  We introduced ourselves to the guy (Roman) and I asked if he had backpain.  He was surprised and said yes he does.  I asked if we could pray for him and he said yes.  We then prayed for God to heal his back.  His back was healed and he accepted Christ within a few minutes.

Sunday was crazy.  In the afternoon we did evangelism during the parade.  I was with two other girls.  We didn’t even make it down Las Palmas (the street the base is on) before we ran into Francisco who was selling chips.  I had seen him the other day when I was doing security at Casa del Marino (the building where we based our Carnival ministry) and said hi but didn’t think much of it.  Anyway so he our attention and is like I want to give you a bag of chips as a gift from my heart.  So I was like cool but can we pray for you in return.  Somehow we got from there to him crying about how he’d been addicted to drugs and weed and how he wanted to take that time and money and spend it with his family but he couldn’t break the addiction.  We told him about Jesus and the power he has to break the power of sin and he accepted Jesus and we broke the spirit of addiction off his life.  By the end he was super happy and was giving us hugs and stuff.

Then Rikka wanted to talk to the police officers standing about 10 yards up the hill so we did.  I got a word of knowledge about one of the officer’s knee.  He was like who told you that.  I told him Jesus did and that Jesus wanted to heal him.  So we prayed for him and God healed his knee and his throat.  This man was already a Christian but his friend was not and though his friend did not accept Christ he did confess and interest and a desire to go to church.

Alright now the good stuff.  Haha as if the above wasn’t good.  In prayer we had been getting words about how it was the 4th night.  The 3rd night had been hard and we all felt the 4th would be better.  Worship confirmed that, we went super deep into the presence of God.  When we met up as a prayer team after, I felt led to go into Carnival but wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do.  Tasha, Megan, Heather, and David felt the same.  So we headed into Carnival not sure what to do.  2 days before some of us from the prayer team including Tom and Jessy had gone into Carnival to pray.  Tom felt this one spot next to the beer stand across from the devil’s cave was significant especially for healing including the deaf and the blind.  So we anointed it with oil and prayed over the spot.  I sat down and prayed that he person who sat there would encounter Jesus.  This was also right below the high place we took on Friday night with worship and below the place on Ice Box Hill where we pray all the time. 

Anyway I felt like on Sunday night we were to go to this spot but I didn’t know what we should do.  On the way we ran into a blind guy and prayed but nothing happened.  We were kind of disappointed but moved on.  Eventually we came in sight of the spot so we stopped to ask God what we should do there.  All we really got was dance.  So we went over there with the intention of dancing.  However, when we got over there I felt like we should talk to this dude so we did.  Heather ended up talking to him and he got saved.  But they were talking for a while so I got bored.  I saw these 2 guys sitting on the curb so I grabbed Tasha and we went and said hi.  Remembering what we had done earlier I asked if either of them had any pain in their body and one of them said yes.  I asked him if it was in his back (because that’s where I felt the Holy Spirit said it was) and he said yes.  So we prayed and he stood up to test it out, he was healed!  Then he asked us to pray for his wrist.  We did and it got healed.  Then he asked us to pray for the pain in his legs.  We did and those got healed and he got up and did a little dance.  By this point the other guy wanted prayer.  He had us pray for his throat because it hurt to talk, he also had a really raspy voice.  We prayed and it got better.  He then had us pray for his ears because he was hard of hearing.  His ears got healed and he could hear better!  By this time people around were kind of watching what was going on so we went around asking people if they needed healing.  And if we weren’t asking them, they were asking us pointing to various parts of their bodies asking for prayer.  At one point this girl who was with her husband called me over.  I grabbed Heather and we prayed for her cough, it went away and she got saved.  I also got to pray for one of the guys working the beer stand.  He said his hands and his feet hurt but that he was working.  I told him that was OK he could keep working and I would just stand there and pray for him without laying hands on him or anything.  So I did and he got healed.  He ended up getting saved the next night.  At another point, we were just preaching the gospel and describing how these things were possible and the blind dude we had previously prayed for runs right into us.  Literally.  Were like OK let’s pray again because by this time our faith was pretty much exploding.  So we prayed for him several times.  He went from seeing nothing but black, to seeing the color blue, to seeing multiple colors, to by the time we were done praying for him he could see colors and flashes of light.  He also said he was going to go to church to get more prayer.  So yea it was pretty crazy.  In all we saw 18 healings and 2 salvations at this spot in about a couple hours. 
Healings we saw:
•    2 throats
•    Should pain
•    2 knees
•    Hands and feet
•    Wrist pain/limited movement
•    Pain in the arm
•    Partial deafness
•    2 necks
•    A cough
•    Leg pain
•    Back pain
•    Pain in both legs
•    Pinched nerve on leg
•    Blind man from seeing nothing to seeing colors and flashes of light

Everybody we prayed for got at least partially healed.  Later I also realized that right where I had sat and prayed a couple days earlier was right where the 1st guy we talked to was sitting as well as the girl with the cough (at different times).  Both got saved.  We also later found out the whole time this was going on the team on Ice Box Hill was right above us praying even though they couldn’t see what was going on.  Also the prayer team back at Casa said they had a crazy night with the heavens just open.  The evangelists also had a good night with around 75 people saved that night I think.  Also a side note, the next night a group went into Carnival and prayed for a man who couldn’t talk and after they prayed he was able to say words such as gracias.

One thing that was awesome is all week I kind of felt like prayer wasn’t really doing much but by the end it could not have been more obvious how important the prayer team is.  There were stories of people just dropping their beer and leaving Carnival.  One guy traded his marijuana in for our tracts.  Both got saved.  When you have that much prayer and spiritual warfare going on the heavens are just open, people are ready, and evangelism is easy.

So yea spring break was awesome.  God is good.  And it is time to start having stuff like this be part of regular daily Christian life.  Hope you all enjoyed the stories, and I hope that you understand that Jesus wants to use YOU to heal the sick and bring salvation to those around you.  Be blessed.


This is a video the YWAM Mazatlan media team made with a couple Carnaval testimonies.

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