Saturday, November 17, 2012

It's Been Awhile

Hey everybody.

It's been a very long time since I've posted and even longer since I've actually written something of my own.  I've had a very busy fall quarter that came immediately after my very busy summer of traveling and filming.  Just wanted to give an update on my life and my film.  I am very excited about how the production went for my film Why We Go and am anxious to get going in the post-production process.  I hope to have a trailer ready by the new year and am still hoping winter and spring quarter will be kind enough to me so I can finish the film by the summer of 2013.

I was not able to work on it at all during fall quarter which wasn't the easiest thing in the world.  However I learned that one can only do so much and I certainly wasn't lazy the past few months.  In fact they were probably the most productive 3 months of my entire life.  Between school, work, church and being president of a college Christian group my time was pretty much tied up 24-7.

But now it's Thanksgiving break and over the next week I'll be posting some of my fall quarter work, some more book quotes, and perhaps even some thoughts of my own. 

Stay tuned :)

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