Sunday, November 18, 2012

Putting the Bridegroom Before the Bride

 "Leadership positions can actually distract us from the very sensitivity we are thought to be maintaining.  We can become so preoccupied with serving the Bride that we neglect our vital connection to the Bridegroom.  We live in an age when the driving agenda of so many ministers, in its raw essence, is a relationship with the Bride.  They spend more energy investing in a relationship with the Bride than with the Bridegroom."

"A paradigm of spiritual leadership that gives more attention to the body than to the Head is bankrupt.  It's true that leaders need to be faithful to feed the flock of God, but the only way to be a true witness for Jesus is to come to the word for yourself first, and then feed the flock from the overflow of what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you personally."

"The true friend of the Bridegroom doesn't come to the word primarily to find sermon material but to see the Living Word in the pages that point to Him.  He knows he will effectively serve the Bride only to the degree that he is maintaining a fiery, intimate relationship with the Bridegroom."

"The great leaders of this end-time generation will be those who have a personal, compelling relationship with Jesus, and who come to the word primarily for the purpose of encountering the Man, Jesus Christ.  If you don't demonstrate a compelling passion for Jesus in this hour, you will be bypassed as worthy to help the Bride prepare herself for her wedding day."

-Bob Sorge in "It's Not Business, It's Personal"

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