Monday, October 5, 2009


I have been here in Mazatlan for over a week now and there is so much I could write on. There are even things I was planning on writing on but when I sat down I asked God what the title of this post should be and He said pressure. And since this week we are talking about hearing the voice of God and obeying it, I am going to write on pressure.

I think a lot of us at different times in our life experience a lot of pressure. There's pressure when you play sports, pressure in performing a job, pressure in school etc...For me however I feel I have struggled a lot with pressure in what God has for us. Coming to Mazatlan I felt a lot of pressure. Coming in a didn't even realize it was there and maybe I haven't really realized it until now when God told me to write about it.

Anyway looking back on the first 9 days of this trip I have been under a lot of pressure. Pressure to fulfill God's plan for me, pressure to serve others, pressure find His purpose for me in this time, pressure to help others in their walk with, pressure to not only receive from the YWAM base here but to give to them what I can.

What I have realized is all that pressure is self-inflicted. It's all been put on by me. Not God, not friends or family, not other people, not my fellow students or my teachers here. God does not want us to feel pressure. In fact looking up the definition of the word (yes the classic dictionary definition), one of the meanings is harassment and/or oppression. Wow. Revelation. I have brought harassment and oppression onto myself because coming in I have expected so much of God but instead of just relying on Him to carry the things out He has already told me He's going to do. I have put pressure on myself that it is my job to make sure these things happen when really He's got it all under control. And while this doesn't mean I stop being a leader or I stop seeking Him with all my heart, mind, body, soul, and strength, it brings the realization that He's in control, He's got it all planned out and while I am going to be used by Him (in greater ways than I know) I am not the only one He is going to use or has to use to see these things through. That for me gives me peace. Thank you Jesus. This is why we are the body of Christ.

So while maybe most of you were hoping to here about my trip and cool stories and all that, they'll come (I have a lot already so maybe next post) I feel God calling me to write on this not only for myself but for anyone reading this I want to encourage you to let go of the pressure you put on yourself. That you have to do this that God is calling you to do this and you better not mess it up or that you are alone in the calling He has given you. If you have been putting pressure on yourself look around. Look at your brothers and sisters in Christ fighting alongside of you. You aren't alone, you don't have to do everything by yourself. Even Paul had plenty of people He worked with, that were there with Him in prison etc...Let God take control, He will give you the help you need when you need it. Trust in Him and let Him use you, but let Him use someone else too because the body of Christ together will go farther than any of us ever could on our own.

Peace and joy from Mazatlan, may God relieve you all of the pressures of life, and the pressures we put on ourselves that we may be consumed by supernatural peace, joy and trust in Him.

Your brother in Christ,

Chris Brands

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