Sunday, April 18, 2010

Carnaval Stories (part 1 of 4)

A couple weeks ago I shared a bit about the Carnaval outreach we had back in February. I would like to take the time to just share a few testimonies of the goodness of God. There are many stories that I could tell from Carnaval and many others could tell as well as you could imagine when you see 2200 salvations in a week but here is a couple of my favorite.

I was on the prayer or WISE (Worship, Intercession, Spiritual Warfare, Evangelism) team so we focused mostly on keeping the presence of the LORD present in all of the outreaches being done. This was done through 24-7 prayer as well as a lot of worship and spiritual warfare. Mainly we were free to do whatever the Spirit was telling us to do in the moment so we could go into Carnaval and worship or we would stay in the prayer room and pray or we would walk the streets and do spiritual warfare. However there were also several times where we could go with the evangelists and cover them in prayer or evangelize with them.

My first story is in such a time as this. I felt God calling me to go with the evangelism group that was going to gates of Carnaval however we were supposed to meet as a WISE team in like a half hour so I knew I didn’t have a lot of time. I was excited but also a little bit wondering how much can happen in a half hour. Anyway we are all walking towards the gates and the evangelism team has signs that say like “free hugs” or “prayer” or “prophetic words.” This guy just all of a sudden sees my friends sign that says “prophetic words” and is like I want a prophetic word and then he yells at all the people with him to come over. He then proceeds to tell everyone that we should get in a circle and hold hands. I think we had about 20-25 people in this circle of random people holding hands waiting for a prophetic word. My friend decides to pray and he just starts praying (in Spanish) and then he gets done praying and just starts preaching the gospel. He gets done in about 2-3 minutes, and proceeded to ask if anyone would like to accept Christ. About 10 people raise there hands and receive Christ into their heart for the first time. WOW! It was so great we pretty much didn’t have to do anything. The LORD brings these people to us, my friend shares a basic message about Jesus and his death and BOOM! 10 people are brought into eternity with their new LORD and savior Jesus Christ. I believe this is directly related to what I talked about in my blogpost Fearless. We were walking in so much intimacy with the LORD and were just carrying the presence of the LORD and Jesus just drew these people unto Himself.

John 12:32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."

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