Friday, April 16, 2010


Well it’s been almost 2 weeks since I’ve been back in Mazatlan. One week of introduction and one week of class are now complete and I don’t know if I could be more excited for the next 3 months. God’s been teaching me so much already and day in and day out I am just destroyed in His love I hardly know what to do with myself.

Our schedule looks awesome for WISE school. We have about 20 hours of class a week but some of those times are pretty informal question/answer things. Also we have about 12 hours of scheduled prayer/worship a week. For example today, we started at 8. Got caught up on some things and then we worshiped from 9am-1pm. One of the things I’m really excited for is that there is a huge emphasis on the prophetic. So we’ve gotten to pretty much prophesy in some way shape or form every day. Also were going to be pressing in for more of the supernatural here at YWAM Mazatlan and were going to be going to hospitals and praying for people to be healed as well as wherever the Holy Spirit leads us.

This week we’ve been talking about worship and one thing that God is bringing up is the importance of worshipping God in all things. That even while you’re cleaning a toilet or hanging out with your friends you can usher in the presence of God by your attitude and by your motives behind what you’re doing. It is so important that ”whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Also it’s so great that we can just worship the LORD wherever we want. Last Saturday night some friends and I we went over to Valentino’s (a club) and set up outside and just worshipped for a couple hours. Lots of people walked by some stopped and we talked and prayed with them. Then we went into McDonald’s and got some food and ended up full out worshipping inside McDonalds. God wants His will done “on earth as it is in heaven” and when we worship we are bringing the LORD’s presence; we are bringing heaven to earth. This is why it is so good to worship in all the we do wherever we go. Because when we carry the presence of the LORD into the work place, onto the streets, or into our schools, the spiritual atmosphere shifts and God is able to move quicker and easier and with more power.

God is so good. He is soooo worthy of our praise and our worship. Psalm 96:8 “Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts!”

God is a father full of good gifts for His children. Before I went home for a few weeks He gave me a guitar. This was awesome because I lost my guitar on DTS and had asked for one and then had forgotten about it and then BAMB! A guitar. Also I wanted a computer for WISE school so I asked God and while I was home that didn’t work out but as soon as I get here, BAMB! God gives me a laptop.

The title of this blog is fireworks because God told me to do that and He is awesome and has flashes of color all around his throne like fireworks, hallelujah Amen.

God bless,
Brother Chris

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