Tuesday, March 16, 2010

70.5 Hours

Here is the first of hopefully several stories/testimonies that I will be sharing about my outreach in Mexico City and back in Mazatlan.
The first 3 days we were in Mexico City we had decided as a team to read the Bible outloud over the city for 3 days straight, without stopping. So midnight of the first night we were there we all read Genesis 1 together. From there we split into 3 teams, each team taking 2 hour shifts until morning. Then during the day all 3 teams read at teh same time so my team would be in Joshua and another team in Leviticus another in Psalms etc... and we went about the city, on the metro, in Zocolo (this huge sqaure), in front of governemtn buildings on top of hotels in churches and we declared God's word over the city. A couple verses God had given us for this time was Proverbs 1:20-21, "Wisdom calls aloud in the street,she raises her voice in the public squares; at the head of the noisy streets she cries out, in the gateways of the city she makes her speech" and Isaiah 55:11, "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." We knew that as we declared the Word of God over the city it would not return void.

As many of you know we were part of MegaCities and we were the first team on the ground for MegaCities 2010'. We felt that part of our role as the first team was to lay a foundation in prayer for the city and for the rest of the teams. Reeading the Bible was definately a huge part of this. Not only do I believe it shifted things in the spiritual atmostphere of the city but it prepared our team for the next 5 weeks. It brought us unity, a greater love and hunger for the word, and a greater understanding of it as well. It also just fed our spirits to be full of truth so that we might pour that truth out upon the city the next 5 weeks we were there. For my personally it was a truly amazinag experience reading the entire Bible front to back in 70 and a half hours. It definately gave me a greater understanding of things especially in the Old Testemant and grew my love for the Old Testement as well. I also know I was completely filled up. I had never felt the presence of God so much while reading the Bible.

Now why do I share this? It isn't that something amazing happened like tons of people came to Christ through us reading the Bible. But I think it was very important and its a good reminder to all of us to keep truth at the forfront of what we do. Everything we do must come from truth and the truth that is in the word of God. Our will, our emotions, everything must follow truth.
Brother Chris

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