Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Overcoming the Giants

Mexico City is the largest city in the world (constantly switching with Tokyo) coming in at about 27 million people.  So what do you do for 5 weeks in a city so huge?  There is so much to do, so many that are lost, where do you start?

Many of you may not know this but 2010 is a huge year for the people of Mexico City as well as Mexico.  It is the 100 year anniversary of the Mexican Revolution.  However it is a big year for God’s plans as well.  This year a ministry of YWAM called Mega Cities has been focusing on Mexico City.

Find more videos like this on YWAM Mazatlan

  Mega Cities goal is to focus on a city for a year and help the church to reach and reach its own city.  We ended up getting to be the first official Mega Cities team.  This was a perfect fit for us because before we left for outreach we had many things that we felt God wanted us to do.  We really wanted to focus on churches, especially the youth and help them find God’s heart for their city and help them reach out in their city which is exactly what Mega Cities has a heart for.

For 2010, Mega Cities has divided D.F. (Mexico City) into 32 different regions.  We were mainly focused on 1 of these 32 regions.  We worked with a couple churches in this region.  We worked a lot with their youth, at one church called Familia Nueva Vida we taught them evangelism and then did it with them.  At the church we stayed at called Centro de Fe, Esperanza, y Amor we worked with their school called 24-7, helped with their youth group called PuntoNet and did evangelism through their ministry UrbanoMX.
We did a lot of urban evangelism.  We evangelized at Prepas (high schools), we preached on buses, we prayed for people at hospitals, we talked to vendors at the taco stands, we did dramas in Zocolo (the big square downtown). We fed the homeless and gave flowers to prostitutes.  We also got to work with a church that was for homeless people, drug addicts, and alcoholics.

One other cool thing that we got to do was the week following the Earthquake in Haiti.  For 5 days we went down to the Haiti Embassy in Mexico City from about 11am to 11pm and we helped out.  We hauled and loaded water, food, medicine, and clothes from people’s cars into packages and onto trucks.  It was a lot of hard work but it was definitely worth it.  It was also awesome to be able to do something to help a huge need.  We also got to encourage a lot of people from the Haiti Embassy or other people helping out.  We saw a few salvations and we got to bless a lot of people by talking to them or praying for them.

At the end of our outreach we got to lead PuntoNet.  We did some dramas, my friend Adrianna spoke, and I got to show a video I made about Human Trafficking

Overall it was an awesome experience to see how God moved in Mexico City.  The churches we worked in, especially the two main churches we saw a ton of growth in the youth.  The youth in these two churches are also now working together in a lot of things where before they didn’t even really know about each other.  The last time we were at youth group for Familia Nueva Vida they all thanked us and one guy said he couldn’t wait until we saw in the newspaper that Mexico was a Christian nation and that we got to be a part of making that happen.  That was really a blessing to hear someone say that.  Also the last Sunday service we went to at Centro de Fe was CRAZY.  The youth really led out in worship and pretty much the entire congregation (probably 500ish people) including the really young and the really old were jumping and dancing for the LORD. 

The LORD really highlighted a couple things for me during outreach in Mexico City.  It is amazing what God can do in such a little amount of time.  Now it’s hard to really know everything that happened while we were in Mexico City but I know that God did a lot.  Not only did we get to do all the stuff mentioned above but I felt we really laid a foundation for the rest of the Mega Cities teams to come in after us.  This was done in our attitude, our love, and our prayers.

The second thing is the importance of being like Joshua and Caleb.  Looking at D.F. and its massively huge state of being it would’ve been really easy for our team to be like the spies that complained about the giants being to big.  (Numbers 13-14) However I felt we went in with the confidence that the LORD was going to give us victory and he did.  When we do the possible and we expect Him to do the impossible He does.  I would really like to encourage all of you to look at your problems and to keep your attitudes like that of Caleb in Numbers 13:30,

“But Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, "Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it."

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