Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sniffing Evangelism

One of the awesome things about God is that He can use just about anything you do for His glory and to advance His kingdom. In 2 Corinthians 5:13 it says, "If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you." God can use crazy stuff that we do to reach other people. About a week or so into our outreach in Mexico City God used something I would have never expected to reach people with His love.

In the area where we were staying there was a market and at night this street always had taco stands and other stores set up in the street. We would go there to evangalize but to do it in a less direct way. Our goal was to build relationships with people to get to know them and not even neccesarily talk about Christ unless of course it came up. It was getting later in the night and we were meeting back up and eating tacos and such when somehow a few people in our group decided they were going to sniff the salsa from one of the taco stands.

Now this salsa had a reputation as being some of the hottest in Mexico City and having tried it myself I can testify it was REALLY hot. Anyway 4 guys in our group decided to sniff this salsa up there nose, one full sniff by using a straw. As they were getting ready to do this we drew a little bit of a crowd specifically at this clothes store right across from the taco stands. Anyway they did it and it was pretty hilarious lot of spitting/almost puking occured. Howvever what God did with this was even cooler. The family and people at the clothes store watched the whole thing and we started talking to them and were talking and hanging out with them for a good hour or so after the salsa event. At the end of the night we all had new friends and they invited us to their hosue for lunch. In the Mexican culture if someone invites you to their house like that its a big honor.

A couple days later we had lunch with them. The food was amazing. We also played this game they had for a good couple hours. The game was actually a family game and in the Mexican culture if the family invites you to play a game that they usually play as a family its like they are invited you to be part of their family in a sense. Anyway the game was this. You bent over and put your face in a pillow and a bunch of people would stand behind you. Then one of them would spank your butt and then you had to turn around and guess who it was. If you guessed wrong you put your head back in the pillow until you got it right.

We were also able to have a time of devotions and worship with them inside their house. This was really awesome because the father of the household is Catholic and his wife was protestant. However the father wouldn't allow the Bible to be read in his house because he believed it was only to be read in the church. At the end of the worship time we were able to pray for some of the family meembers and just really encourage them.

The last thing that came out of this is the younger daughter of the family (probably about 14 I think) ended up hanging out with us a bunch. She came to the pyramids with us as well as Six Flags. During these times she was just able to hang around a good spiritual atmostphere, build relationship with some of the leaders from the youth group of the church we were at, and just encourage in the Lord quite a bit.

So we sniffed some salsa, God moved, and a family was touched. God can use just about anything we do if we do it in the mindset of bringing Him glory and if when He opens up doors we step through them wtih boldness and courage taking advantage of the oppertunities He gives us. Something that God taught me a lot about during DTS was what our DTS first talks about. That we need to reach people by the lifestyle that we live. We need to stop trying to convince so many people and start inspiring people more. That through everything we do wheather it be sniffing salsa, playing hockey, or working a job, people should be able to see our love for God and people. 1 John 3:18, "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."

This is us playing the game at the family's house

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